Call for Abstracts: Non-binary identities and the Law

GenIUS – Italy’s top journal on law, gender, and sexuality – will dedicate a special issue to “Non-binary identities and the law”, edited by Guido Noto La Diega (he/they/lui, University of Stirling) and Alexander Schuster (he/him, University of Verona). GenIUS is a double-blind peer-reviewed fully open access and online-first journal that features publications in Italian, English, Spanish, and French.

We are seeking 8,000-12,000-word contributions that shine a light on non-binary identities, people, and communities. Typically drafted by binary legislators and in binary terms, the law not only offers limited (if any) protections to non-binary people, but it often actively discriminates against them, creating artificial hurdles that unjustifiably affect non-binary people’s lives.

With this in mind, we seek diverse perspectives capable of conveying also activists’ viewpoints and covering a variety of issues, including (but not limited to):

  • Passports, identity documents and gender markers
  • Electoral procedures and forced outing
  • Comparisons between different jurisdictions’ approaches to non-binary identities
  • Non-binarism in Constitutional Law
  • Gender markers and population registries
  • Efforts of de-gendering legal systems
  • From “queering” the law to “enbying” the law
  • Non-binary reality Vs binary law
  • Non-binary legal research methods
  • Origins of the gender binary in the Italian legal system e.g. is it an implicit principle similar to what was said about the requirement of gender diversity in marriage?
  • Non-binarism in private international law
  • Intersections between intersex people, trans people and non-binary identities
  • Free movement of non-binary people under EU law
  • Non-discrimination and hate speech laws
  • Any other topic or approach that the special editors may have overlooked

Please send us ( a 200-word abstract and a 200-word bio by Monday 1st July 2024. Deadline for the submission of the full paper: Monday 30th September 2024.

Published by guidonld

I am (Full) Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Technology Law at the University of Stirling, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, where I lead the Media Law and Information Technology Law courses. I am an expert in the legal issues of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, robotics, and blockchain. Holder of a PhD (Unipa), a postdoc (QMUL), and an HEA Fellowship, I have a strong publication and bidding record and my works on Intellectual Property, Data Protection, Information Technology Law, Consumer Protection, and Human Rights have been cited by the EU Court of Justice’s Advocate General, the House of Lords, the European Commission, and the Council of Europe. Outside of the University of Stirling, I am Director of ‘Ital-IoT’ Centre of Multidisciplinary Research on the Internet of Things, Visiting Professor at the University of Macerata, Fellow of the Nexa Center for Internet and Society, Fellow of NINSO Northumbria Internet & Society Research Group, and I serve on the Executive Committee of the Society of Legal Scholars, the oldest and largest society of law academics in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Most of my publications can be downloaded for free on SSRN, ResearchGate,, and LawArXiv.

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